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Current issues of sustainable development - priorities and trends

Current issues of sustainable development - priorities and trends



32,00 zł

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Dostępna ilość: 1
Wydawnictwo: Uniwersytet Opolski
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32,00 zł

The eighth volume of Economic and Environmental Studies titled ?Current Issues of Sustainable Development ? priorities and trands? includes papers from scholars from a many European countries ? Russia, Englnad, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, The Netherlands, France, Greece and Italy. Articles deal with theoretical issues of sustainable development, regional case studies of policy making for sustainable development, stakeholder involvement and education, sustainable development of rural areas and issues of business involvement in sustainable development. This volume may be of interest of scientists and students interested in the field of sustainable development. Furthermore, the articles may be a source of information for many policy makers.

Ósmy numer czasopisma z serii ?Economic and Environmental Studies? zatytułowany ?Aktualne kwestie zrównoważonego rozwoju ? priorytety i trendy? zawiera artykuły naukowców z wielu krajów Europy ? Rosji, Anglii, Litwy, Polski, Niemiec, Holandii, Francji, Grecji oraz Włoch. Praca ta traktuje o teoretycznych kwestiach zrównoważonego rozwoju, studiach przypadku dotyczących kształtowania polityki zrównoważonego rozwoju, zaangażowaniu ?interesariuszy? w edukację, zrównoważonym rozwoju terenów wiejskich oraz zaangażowaniu biznesu w zrównoważony rozwój.
Najnowszy numer adresowany jest do naukowców oraz studentów zainteresowanych kwestią zrównoważonego rozwoju. Publikację te mogą być również źródłem informacji dla osób zajmujących się polityką.

Spis treści:


Theoretical Issues of Sustainable Development

Joost PLATJE, Who is Interested in What Kind of Sustainable Development? Time-Horizons and Stakeholder Interests

Ludwik TOMIAŁOJĆ, Sustainable Development and Nature Conservation - The Necessity for Compromise Instead of Confrontation

Bogusław FIEDOR and Romuald JOŃCZY, General Problems in the Interpretation and Implementation of the Concept of Sustainable Development

Herman W. HOEN, "Transitology". The Revival of Geografic-Economic Research on the Transition in Cental and Eastern Europe

Małgorzata BURGHARD-DZIUBIŃSKA, Sustainable Development as a Political Category

Policy Making for Sustainable Development - regional case studies

Janne JUURIKAS and Walter LEAL FILHO, Promoting Sustainable Development by Means of River Basin Management in the Baltic: the Watersketch Project

Judith MARQUAND and Sergey KOSTAREV, Sustainable Development in Omsk - Lessons for Central Europe

Verena Leila HOLZER, Sustainability and the Electricity Sector - Objectives, Instruments and Effectiveness of German Energy Policy

Monika PARADOWSKA, Sustainable Transport and External Costs of Transport

Fabrizio OLEARI, National Health Service Reform and Regional Devolution in Italy: are They Consistent with the Public Finance Strategy? A Critical Analysis of the Present Situation in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region

Holger KREFT, Municipal Sustainability Management: Minimising the Impact of Structural Development on Land Resources

Stefan BUZAR and Maja GRABKOWSKA, The Social Reproduction of Flexibility in the Housing Environment: Stories from Inner-City Gdansk

Inna AKSENOVA and Olga SERGIENKO, A Study of Consumers Attitudes Towards Environmentally Safe Food: a Case Study from St. Petersburg

Policy Making for Sustainable Development - stakeholder involvement and education

Remigijus CIEGIS, Dalia GINEITIENE, Stasys GIRDZIJAUSKAS and Elena TALOCKAITE, Capacity Building for Stakeholder Involvement in Sustainable Development

Anna HAŁADYJ, Considering Legal Issues of Stakeholder Involvement in the Decision-Making Process - Lessons Learned and Challenges Ahead

Karol KOCISZEWSKI, Environmental Protection in Agriculture Within the EU Strategy for Sustainable Development - Implications for Poland

Andrzej GRACZYK and Zbigniew JAKUBCZYK, Investments in Environmental Projects as an Element of a Policy for Sustainable Development in the Region of Opole in 1993-2004 - from a Structural Point of View

Evangelos I. MANOLAS, A Critical Introduction to Deep Ecology in Higher Education: an Application of Kolb's Model of Experiential Learning

Sustainable Development of rural areas

Jarosław CHORMAŃSKI and Kinga ZAKRZEWSKA, Application of GIS Techniques and Flood Modeling as a Tool for Supporting Sustainable Agriculture

Maria ALEXEEVA and Olga SERGIENKO, Development of Organic Farming - the Russian Experience

Wiktor SZYDŁO, Rural Development in Poland - Preliminary Results of European Budget Support and Determinants of Progress

Barbara DESPINEY-ZOCHOWSKA, The Restructuring Process of Polish Agriculture in the Light of CAP Reforms

Henryk MANTEUFFEL SZOEGE, Sustainable Development in Rural Poland from the Perspective of Environmental Economics

Laura PŁATKOWSKA-PROKOPCZYK, Constraints on the Sustainable Development of Rural Areas in the Light of Integration with the European Union

Urszula WĄSIKIEWICZ-RUSNAK, The Philosophy of Sustainable Development in the Strategy of a Local Business Company

Agnieszka SKOWROŃSKA, Logistics as a Tool for Sustainable Development

Anna BARWIŃSKA-MAŁAJOWICZ, Achievements and Future Perspectives of European Employment and Social Policy in the Context of the European Union's Sustainable Growth and Employment Strategy



32,00 zł

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