Jest to autorskie tłumaczenie na język angielski uaktualnionego wydania polskojęzycznej książki Podstawy zarządzania i kształtowania środowiska pracy, do wykorzystania przez studentów studiów anglojęzycznych i inżynierów pracujących zagranicą.
jest opracowaniem monograficznym, którego celem jest analiza i
usystematyzowanie dotychczasowego dorobku naukowo-badawczego
dotyczącego zarządzania oraz kształtowania środowiska w bliższym i
dalszym otoczeniu, a także jego wpływu na funkcjonowanie
przedsiębiorstwa, w szczególności na człowieka w nim zatrudnionego.
Spis treści
Chapter 1
1.1. Rules of organizational science – school of classic organization theory
1.1.1. School of scientifi c work organization
1.1.2. Rules of administration
1.1.3. Rules of effi cient work
1.1.4. Rules and regulations of the organizational science
1.2. Behaviorist school
1.3. Quantitative school
1.4. System direction in management theory
1.5. Situational direction in management theory
1.6. Dynamic engagement in management theory
1.7. Enterprise and environment
1.8. Ecological limitations of economic development
1.9. Management directions in the conditions of globalization
Chapter 2
2.1. Environment in Enterprise Management
2.1.1. Physical and psychical aspects of workload
2.1.2. Ergonomics of working conditions
2.2. Organizations Microenvironment
2.2.1. Microclimate at workstation
2.2.2. Pollination at workstation
2.2.3. Lighting at workstation
2.2.4. Noise at workstation
2.2.5. Vibration at workstation
2.2.6. Electromagnetic radiation
2.2.7. Ionizing radiation
2.2.8. Static electricity
2.2.9. Safety Management System
2.2.10. Basic responsibilities of the employer
2.3. Macroenvironment in organization
2.3.1. Global warming
2.3.2. Decreasing of ozone layer
2.3.3. Usage of natural resources
2.3.4. Energetic conflict
2.3.5. Air pollution
2.3.6. Toxic chemical substances
2.3.7. Water pollution
2.3.8. Threat to quality of life
2.3.9. Threats to global ecosystem balance
2.3.10. Environment management system
2.4. Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS)
2.5. Preliminary environmental review
2.6. Corporate culture
2.6.1. Corporate culture defi nitions
2.6.2. Indicators and symptoms of corporate culture
2.6.3. Corporate culture creation phases
Chapter 3
3.1. Strategic planning
3.2. Operational planning
3.3. Budgeting in a company
3.3.1. Company budget structure
3.3.2. Building company activity from the side of budgeting
3.4. Business plan
Chapter 4
4.1. Basic concepts and organization definitions
4.2. Formal organization
4.3. Organizational structures
4.4. Work environment modeling
4.5. Human resources management
4.5.2. Human resources management process
4.5.3. Selected examples from the practical human resources management
4.5.4. High management development policy
4.6. Managing the organizational change
4.6.1. Reasons for change elaboration
4.6.2. Barriers to introduction of changes
4.6.3. Change implementation practice
Chapter 5
5.1. Motivation in organization
5.1.1. Essence of motivation
5.1.2. Content theories of motivation
5.1.3. Process theories of motivation
5.1.4. Reinforcement theories of motivation
5.1.5. Employee motivation in the workplace
5.1.6. Supervisor – employee relations
5.2. Styles of leadership
5.3. Team work
5.4. Work environment as an employee-organization integration factor
5.4.1. Needs as a stimulator of employee-organization relations
5.4.2. Working environment as a stimulator of employee-organization relations
5.4.3. Employee-environment relations as a criterion of integration of employees with organization
5.4.4. Results analysis
Chapter 6
6.1. Controlling in management
6.1.1. Management controlling the aim of management control
6.1.2. Management controller tasks
6.1.3. Tools for management control analysis
6.2. Management Control System
6.2.1. Control functions
6.2.2. Control elements
6.2.3. Supporting the Board
6.2.4. Financial control
6.3. Monitoring of goal achievement in the enterprise
Chapter 7
7.1. Information system issues
7.1.1. Information system
7.1.2. Information management
7.2. Information management system designing
7.3. Management information system
Chapter 8
8.1. Quality management
8.2. Rules of quality management
8.3. Quality management process