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Physical principles of investigation and modeling of wear resistance of metals and alloys on the basis of structure energy philosophy

Physical principles of investigation and modeling of wear resistance of metals and alloys on the basis of structure energy philosophy



17,00 zł

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17,00 zł

This book covers rather a wide range of questions, primarily from tribological science of materials. It appeared possible, using a systematic approach, to divide it contents into four parts, including a theoretical chapter and three sections that successively cover the rules of wear of machine parts under sliding friction, features of material and equipment wear.
The work also deals with the questions of equipment reliability. In this connection, a number of strategic questions on machine building and machinery repair are of great interest for Russia and other countries.

Table of contents


1. Approaches and criteria used in estimating the longevity and wear-resistance of materials
2. Generalized model of the processes of dynamic deformation and surface wear of heterogeneous materials
3. Structure-energy criterion of wear resistance of metals and alloys in view of the surface state of stress
4. Structure-energy model of wear resistance of one- and two-phase metallic materials in the context of the mechanics of heterogeneous continua
5. Structure-energy approach and condition of self-organizing of tribosystem
5.1. General regularity of friction and wearing, stability of a level and range of self-organizing of materials
5.2. Activation and passivation. Conditions of tribosystem self-organizing and transition from normal processes to damageability
5.3. Critical analysis of the current knowledge of transition processes
6. Researches of transitional processes from normal wearing to adhesion of a frictional pair on the basis of structure-energy approach
6.1. Characteristics of activity of friction pairs at normal wear, sticking of kind II and transitional processes
6.2. System analysis of friction and wear processes
6.3. Recommendations on the prediction and control of transitional processes during the wear of machine parts





17,00 zł

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Księgarnia Techniczna zamieszcza w ofercie głównie podręczniki akademickie oraz książki techniczne przede wszystkim z dziedzin takich jak mechanika techniczna, podstawy konstrukcji, technologia gastronomiczna. Główne wydawnictwa w ofercie to Politechnika Warszawska, Politechnika Wrocławska, Politechnika Świętokrzyska oraz POLSL
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Wykonanie: inż. Agnieszka Kamińska